The Urban River Corridors workshop offers a series of lectures on the topics addressed in the workshop: spatial morphology, the city and water, the city and people, and the city as a collection of resilient urban systems. Through the lens of these topics, local and international speakers will give insights into contemporary research and practice in urbanism that looks at the city as a complex, adaptive and social-ecological system.
MARCH 6, 18:00, UAUIM
Birgit Hausleitner
Architect and Urbanist, PhD researcher at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture, and coordinator of the European post-master in Urbanism (EMU)
Lecture: A systemic approach to urban morphology: morphology and economy
Dipl. ing. Birgit Hausleitner holds a master degree in architecture (TU Vienna) and a post master degree in urbanism (EMU TU Delft). She is an expert on the relation between urban configurations and different types of micro and small-scale economy. Her research focuses on the development of urban structural typologies that allow an evaluation of a cities’ potential for micro businesses from the city to the block scale. Further she developed a method for morphological cross case comparisons in relation to urban economic activities.
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Assistant Professor of Urban Design at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture
Lecture: A systemic approach to urban morphology: morphology and water
Dr. Arch. Taneha K. Bacchin is an Architect and Urbanist. Assistant Professor Section Urban Design and Delta Urbanism Research Leader at the Department of Urbanism – TU Delft. Her work focuses on the design & planning of adaptive strategies for urbanised and urbanising deltas, being specialised in the fields of landscape urbanism and water science & engineering (performance in design/ green-blue infrastructure transcalar design). Her recent research work explores long-term futures and transformation pathways for the delivery of next generation urban landscape (water) infrastructure.
Moderator: Angelica Stan
PhD Architect and Urbanist, Department of Urban and Landscape Design, Faculty of Urbanism, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest
Angelica Stan is PhD Architect and Urbanist, associate professor at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, The Faculty of Urbanism. She graduated architecture in 1995, and attended the International Master Program in Rouen, France, in Urban Design and Regional Planning. Her professional interest area revolves around issues as peripheries, urban dynamics, vulnerability of abandoned sites, urban morphology linked to city diseases and uncategorized spaces, urban landscape character due to hidden or unused values. Angelica Stan is author of several books in urbanism and landscape theory, co-editor and contributor of many collective books, author of many articles in specialized national and international reviews. She has been coordinating more than twenty projects and studies in urbanism, as well as a SEE grant within ”Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage Program”, in partnership with Bergen School of Architecture, Norway.
MARCH 7, 18:00, UAUIM
Machiel van Dorst
Chairman of the Department of Urbanism and Associate Professor of Environmental Design at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture
Lecture: Generic and specific behaviour in generic and specific space
Machiel van Dorst defended his PhD thesis (2005) on the relation between liveability and sustainability and the implications of territorial behaviour in the living environment. With a specialisation in people-environment studies and sustainable urbanism, he has an extensive experience in education in social sustainability and in research. Van Dorst is board member of the International Foundation on Urbanism, the worldwide network of top universities in the field of Urbanism, and was one of the founders of the TU Delft research centre in Guangzhou (2012) together with the South China University of Technology. Van Dorst is responsible professor for a department with 120 staff members, with a highly ranked research programme (top 5 in the world), three MSc programmes (230 Msc students) and he is acting professor in Landscape Architecture. Machiel was involved in the organisation of different conferences, member of different juries and winner of the international design competition ‘Future Generation University, Sydney, Australia’.
Bogdan Suditu
Associate professor at the Department of Human and Economic Geography, University of Bucharest
Lecture: Bucharest and its inhabitants
Bogdan Suditu holds a PhD in Geography (2006) obtained with Magna Cum Laude from the University of Bucharest and the University of Angers (France), with the topic “The residential mobility of Bucharest’s inhabitants”. He had been involved for several years in planning, urban policy services and regulations at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration. In 2016, he published the book “Bucureștiul în locuințe și locuitori …de la începuturi până mai ieri (1459-1989)” (Bucharest in dwellings and inhabitants …from the beginning until yesterday (1459-1989)).
Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Editor-in chief, „Zeppelin” magazine, assistant professor at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest
Lecture: Division, collaboration, resilience. Democratic urbanism in post-totalitarian Romania
Ștefan Ghenciulescu, PhD, is a practising architect, curator and critic, partner and co-founder of Zeppelin Association and magazine. He is author, co-author and co-editor of 10 books and several exhibitions and research projects. Awards for the Zeppelin team include: finalists at the ˮEuropean Public Space of the Year 2011ˮ, several prizes and nominations within national architecture exhibitions, winning team and realisation of the Romanian pavilion for the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale. His current research interests are contemporary architecture and urban culture, low-budget processes, urban and building regeneration, South-Eastern Europe, community architecture, post-socialist developments.
Moderator: Andreea Acasandre
Urban Planner, PhD Sociologist
Andreea Acasandre is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Urbanism from “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania. She is an urban planner with a master’s degree in urban management. Since 2015 she is a PhD Urban Sociologist with a thesis that focuses on the urban memory and how the heritage influences the communities in the urban environment. Her expertise covers an interesting mix of professional practice and research activities in both Urbanism and Sociology: personal publications, extended studies on community living, urban plans for design guides and databases, urban planning projects and so on.
MARCH 8, 18:00, UAUIM
Arjan van Timmeren
Professor of Environmental Technology and Design, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture, Scientific Director of a joint initiative by TU Delft, WUR, and MIT; AMS Institute (Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions)
Lecture: Resilient urban systems in research and practice
Arjan van Timmeren is a specialist in sustainable technology for buildings and area development and the chair of the Environmental Technology and Design research group within the Department of Urbanism in the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. In parallel to his activities at TU Delft, he is the Scientific Director of AMS, where he focuses on technology based metropolitan solutions for sustainable cities. During his experience at TU Delft and AMS, he has been involved in several Dutch and international projects on different scales. He has received national and international awards for his work and holds a seat on a number of advisory boards, quality teams, expert committees and scientific committees around the world.
Tiberiu Constantin Florescu
Professor, Vice-Rector of “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest, Architect PhD, MD in Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning
Lecture: The Dynamic GUP of Bucharest
Tiberiu Constantin Florescu is an architect with high experience in large-scale projects and urban planning, and with sustained activity in the fields of architecture, urban design, spatial planning, research and education. He is currently the Project Leader for the General Masterplan of Bucharest – Bucharest Dynamic Masterplan (2013-2018). An outstanding personality of the field in Romania, he is a member of several national professional bodies and committees and Romania’s representative in international organisations, such as AESOP – Association of European Schools of Planning – Country Representative, REA – Réseau des Ecoles d’Architecture de la France, d’Europe Centrale et Orientale, and IAMURE Multidisciplinary Research Philippines.
Șerban Țigănaș
President of the Romanian Order of Architects, Founder and President at Dico și Țigănaș, Founder and Partner at Planwerk
Lecture: Designing with Rivers in the City. Raising the Awareness and Implementing a Method
Șerban Țigănaș is an architect, educator and activist for the profession. He realized awarded buildings with Dico și Țigănaș, architecture and engineering. He is also founder and partner of Planwerk, a Romanian – German planning office which brought innovation in Romanian urban planning. He teaches for more that 20 years in the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, having a PhD about Temporary Architecture. He is president of The Order of Architects from Romania, and Council member of the International Union of Architects, militating for a new role of architects in the future and a higher quality of the built environment related to this.
Moderator: Claudiu Forgaci
Architect and Urbanist, PhD researcher at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture
Claudiu Forgaci is an architect and urbanist, currently engaged in understanding how spatial urbanisation patterns, at multiple scales, are related to urban resilience. As an architect, he had been working at ADNBA in Bucharest where he was one of the coauthors of the award-winning Dogarilor Apartment Building project, also nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2014. Claudiu graduated Cum Laude the European post-master in Urbanism at TU Delft with the thesis entitled “Bucharest: Between North and South” exploring the strategic potentials of River Dâmbovița. In 2015, he led the team which won the first prize in the international student competition (Re)Discovering the Emerald Necklace Colentina Chain of Lakes organised in the Le:Notre Landscape Forum 2015 in Bucharest. Claudiu will conduct the workshop as part of his PhD research at Delft University of Technology.